Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hahahah Your husband abandoned you, left you to live with his sister who hates your guts and feeds him lies.
Hahahah Survive the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, his birthday, your birthday, without him and explaining, unsuccessfully, to family why he is not there.
Hahahah Your dog becomes paralyzed, despite how much you love and care for her.
Hahahah your husband still refuses to help, because "You were always a better puppy parent than [him]"
Hahahah You're now squatting in a house with no working kitchen for a month with no help while still working insane hours, hustling when you have nothing left to give.  With one paralyzed pup who still insists on doing everything she always could, ie stairs, and one healthy active pup.
Hahahah Your husband revs his engine and tries to run you over in a parking lot.
Hahahah You must sign a lease that you cannot afford without the help of BAH.
Hahahah Your husband moves across he country without even a decent goodbye, but a downright pathetic excuse for one.
Hahahah You have a breast cancer scare!  At 30!  Signs of the most aggressive type, that you suffer through; suffering down stairs and teaching yoga with an on fire breast that weighs heavy so much you have to hold it when you move at all.
Hahahah you pay $5,000 on a YOGA TEACHER'S SALARY to move out of said place because landlord is a total fucking asshole.
Hahahah You move into a new place with a self righteous bitter old hag of a bitch who hates dogs, and has already threatened to try to get you evicted for the mere sake of HAVING dogs before you've even moved in.
Hahahah you pay $800/month in doggie daycare, when you make $1000, and rent is $1025.
Hahahah your friends are insensitive and rude and tell you you have a bad attitude
Hahahah you lose one of your beloved dogs.
Hahahah your car is a death trap and undriveable but NO ONE will help you transport or figure out what the fuck to do with it so it gets towed for $175/day. Like you can afford one day day of that.
Hahahah Trump is President.